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Gingerbread Southwest
Rules & Registration
Annual Theme: Holiday Songs


Official Rules

Rules and Procedures

The following rules and procedures have been set forth and established by Gingerbread Southwest. For additional information call Linda Lyle at 505-331-3821.


The Gingerbread Southwest Contest is open to the general public. There is a $25 entry fee for the contest.  Registration and entry fees are due by Monday December 2, 2024.


Contestants will receive six (6) tickets for Holiday Evening with Santa & Gingerbread Auction.  Additional tickets for Holiday Evening with Santa & Gingerbread Auction can be purchased for $5 (2 and under are free) on our website by clicking here or at the door.



2024 Gingerbread Southwest is being held at:

Sid Cutter Pavilion-Balloon Fiesta Park, 4900 Balloon Fiesta Pkwy NE.

Southern Entrance I-25 Exit 233 Alameda Road west to Balloon Museum Drive


Participants are not limited to a single entry.  Enter as an individual or team. One (1) entry per entry form – please.



At the Event Chair’s discretion, category of entry may be changed if purchased kit was deemed used and not registered in proper category.

Prize Table.png

All entries must be received through website.

There is a $25 entry fee for the contest. 

Registration and entry fees are due by Monday December 2, 2024



*All participants agree that a photo or likeness of their entry may be used for promotion, publicity, or advertising without compensation.


Gingerbread Southwest, NMSBVI Foundation or Sid Cutter Pavilion-Balloon Fiesta Park and its sponsors are not responsible for theft, damage, acts of nature or destruction of entries, and we reserve the right to refuse any entry that is deemed inappropriate for display at the event.,



Each Gingerbread entry must be given a title.  Title should reflect the theme or story of the design.  Do not use participants name or company names on gingerbread creation.



Construct a gingerbread creation of your choice.  Entries are not limited to a house. Competitors are welcome and encouraged to create a unique design of their choice, as long as the entry is in keeping with the competition Rules and Procedures and the four (4) judging criteria. Gingerbread Southwest reserves the right to refuse any entry deemed inappropriate.



Gingerbread base may be any shape, but cannot exceed 24 inches by 24 inches.  Structure cannot be above 24 inches high.  Gingerbread structure must be attached to the base. Entry must be placed on a non-returnable base. We suggest using 1/4” plywood for larger / heavier entries or 1/2” form board for smaller / lighter entries.    



Except for the base, entries must be constructed and composed completely of edible materials.  The main structure should be constructed of at least 75% gingerbread.  Edible materials are not limited to candies and icings. The use of gum paste, fondant, pastillage, chocolate, modeling chocolate, royal icing, cast sugar, gelatin, and pressed sugar is permitted.


25 Points will be deducted from final score for any entry with non-edible components or over the size limits.  No artificial display materials, such as Styrofoam or interior lighting, are to be used in the construction or decoration of the entry. Candies must be unwrapped and free of any non-edible materials. Non-edible materials such as paint and/or ribbon are permitted to decorate the outer edge of your base only. (Acceptable supervision is recommended when operating the oven and/or stovetop.)


On-site construction, decorating, or assembly (other than minor repairs) is not permitted.



An auction of the Gingerbread Southwest entries is to raise money for New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Foundation.  If you do not want your entry to be in the auction, please indicate on the entry form. Must be present during auction to win bid.  All unclaimed entries at the close of the auction will be discarded.

You may also build a gingerbread house for the auction only and not participate in the contest. If so, please contact Linda Lyle at 505-331-3821.


Entries will be assigned a number thus making the judging “blind.” Awards will be given at Friday’s evening event. All rulings by the judges are independent and final.


Entries will be judged based on four criteria – 25pts each:

  • Overall Appearance 

  • Originality & Creativity

  • Level of Difficulty

  • Precision

Image by Winston Chen

Gingerbread Southwest 2024
Official Entry Form

I agree to the following as indicated by my signature below: Permission is hereby granted to Gingerbread Southwest, NMSBVI Foundation and Sid Cutter Pavilion-Balloon Fiesta Park to print or otherwise duplicate the picture or likeness of my entry and/or myself with my entry for either internal or external release, this includes print and online publications, plus local and network television. I understand that the image of my entry becomes the property of Gingerbread Southwest and NMSBVI Foundation. By participating, each competitor agrees to be bound by all of the Rules and Procedures herein, which may be amended from time to time. Gingerbread Southwest and NMSBVI Foundation reserves the right to refuse entries that are deemed inappropriate, and to disqualify any competitor who fails to follow the Rules and Procedures contained herein. I agree to HOLD HARMLESS, RELEASE, DEFEND, AND INDEMNIFY, Gingerbread Southwest, NMSBVI Foundation and Sid Cutter Pavilion-Balloon Fiesta Park, each of their current or former predecessors, successors, each of their affiliated organizations and companies, their insurance companies, their respective agents, employees, representatives, assignees, officers, directors, members, partners, medical providers and shareholders (each a "RELEASED PARTY") for ANY AND ALL LIABILITY and/or claims arising from injury to persons or damage to property arising from the incident, any RELEASED PARTY'S alleged or actual NEGLIGENCE OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE, BREACH OF any express or implied WARRANTY, breach of contract, or breach of any statutory or other duty of care, or mistakes or errors in judgment of any kind. By signing this release, I agree that I am releasing any right to make a claim or file a lawsuit against Gingerbread Southwest, NMSBVI Foundation, and Sid Cutter Pavilion-Balloon Fiesta Park. THE RELEASOR AGREES TO DEFEND AND INDEMNIFY each RELEASED PARTY for any and all my claims and/or those of a third party arising from the incident.

Thank you for submitting you entry form! We look forward to seeing your wonderful creation!

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